Nutrition is funny--it is probably the single most important factor in our health, yet it is one of the least studied or understood in medical circles.
Everyone thinks she's an expert on food--reading blogs and even premiere news outlets on nutrition are filled with misinformation and snarky, ignorant sniping against concepts that are either willfully misrepresented or simply misunderstood. (I recently read a blog post attacking Dr. Atkins that reported that his diet included fat marbled steak and an ice cream sundae every night. Had the writer even READ a sentence of Dr. Atkins' books?)
But the clinical evidence in favor of high-fat, adequate protein, low-carbohydrate nutritional plans keeps pouring in.
This study shows that the nutritional approach we favor reduces markers associated with aging and age related disease--independent of caloric intake. Which is another one of my mantras: calories are nearly meaningless.
In this study, body weight, serum leptin, insulin, fasting glucose, triglyceride, and free T3 significantly decreased as well as the triglyceride/high density lipoprotein ratios.