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Hi there,
When I am dieting I use cold pressed Flax seed oil in my smoothies and replace it as dressing on my salad as the books I have read say it allows you to feel fuller longer. Just a little help for weight loss.
Elizabeth Barton

A great tip, Elizabeth! Our protocol also includes healthy oils like flaxseed, grapeseed, coconut, and olive oils as an essential daily component. It seems the research supports the claim that you read and that fats increase a sense of satiety, or fullness. Not to mention it's benefits for hair and skin, as well.

what a rofl pic!))
actually, a low-carb diet is much more effective, because it puts your body in a starvation mode, like when you are fasting, which doesn't happen on a low-fat or low-proteine diets. so the hunger worth it:)

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