I recently saw an interview by Dr. Helen Smith of Dr. Steve Ilardi, whose team of midwestern psychologists has an old-fashioned way of preventing/treating depression - go back to the cave.:
To confront the country's growing depression epidemic, a modern phenomenon, psychologist Steve Ilardi peered backward into human history. Way back: tens of thousands of years and beyond. His research steered him there, to an examination of the hunter-gatherer way of life, to a time when humans lived in roving, close-knit bands. Back to the Stone Age. What he learned led Ilardi and his research team at the University of Kansas to propose a program to reclaim six disappearing lifestyle elements. They call it Therapeutic Lifestyle Change, intended to help modern humans deal with depressive illness. The team identified factors that are antidepressant but are compromised by contemporary culture: Exercise, omega-3 consumption, light exposure, sleep, social connectedness and anti-ruminative behavior (From healthyplace.com).
I have yet to read the book, but it certainly appears to be an interesting premise.
HT: Instapundit |
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